Thursday, September 8, 2022

Things You Should Know About Synthes Mini Fragment Set

A mini fragment set is intended for the fixation of fractures, and many others were to support fingers’ bones. Synthes fragment set is one of most popular in the healthcare industry to treat related concerns. However, there are many other brands too, but one you get easily and economically has more demand; Synthes is one of a name that is easily available in the used medical equipment market. Undeniably, the original medical tools are expensive and hard for many people to afford it. Therefore, used products have taken the market and are becoming popular nowadays.  

Synthes Mini Fragment set consists of stainless steel and titanium plate and screw that merges locking screw technology with conventional plating techniques. It comes with all the major equipment and tools to make the process hassle-free, and you don’t require any additional tools to proceed with the surgery. Although, when buying from a reliable source, the equipment is handover after a complete hygienic process which includes cleaning and sterilizing. When heeding for the used medical products, to purchase ascertain it should be in the apt condition.   

The set includes several types of K-wires, Drill bits, Taps, Screws and Wire cutting pliers. The plate cutter can be used on a preassembled plate without removal of the short-threaded drill guides, a few containing the Contour plate, which is used to contour the plate to fit the patient’s anatomy. The bending and threaded bending pins can be inserted over the short-threaded drill guides or threaded into the screw holes to prevent the deformation of the threaded holes while bending, respectively.  

Depending on the individual case tools used, Synthes Mini Fragment set usually consists of everything you require. Shop online from a supplier who deals in used products. Make a list of a few and shortlist top names.   

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