Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Precautions An Orthopedic Should Take With a Synthes Locking Plate

Although bones are the strongest part of a human body, when they break, the treatment needs to be executed carefully. In case of a serious fracture or in places hard to treat, locking plates can be of great help for a surgeon. The aim of fracture treatment is not just to repair the bones but also to reconstruct the anatomy exactly as it was before the accident.

But before a doctor proceeds with the treatment, it is imperative to know that there are some precautions that need to be followed during the procedure. To make sure that the treatment is effective, here are some precautions to be taken by a surgeon while deploying a Synthes Locking Plate. Have a quick go through:

Anatomic reconstruction: One of the important precautions to be taken is that the locking plate should be deployed in such a way that the reconstruction is facilitated. Along with this, one should precisely place the screws so that it does not change the anatomy of the articular surface where the screws are placed.

Stable fixation: The screws should be placed in such a position that provides fixed-angle construct and angular stability. One of the most important things is that it should hold its place for stability.

Preservation of blood supply: While placing the screws, it is important that the blood supply to other body parts remain unaffected. This demands that no blood vessels are pressed or harmed during the process.

These are a few important considerations that should be taken by a surgeon while treating fractures with a Synthes Locking Plate. Being a doctor, it is the duty to incorporate holistic practices and deliver the best results to the clients.

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